Thoughts, stories, and ideas from Sensei Steve Gottwirt

Thoughts, stories, and ideas from                  Sensei Steve Gottwirt
Some of these thoughts, stories, and personal history appeared in our newsletter, "Dō Gakuin News". Few members have been with us since our first issue in 1993. As such, ideas on this page may have been printed before, but are worth telling again.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Gakuin"? 学院?

I once had a conversation with a Japanese master who questioned our using the term 'gakuin'. Gakuin means: an academy, or learning institute; a term that might be too lofty for a Karate dojo. I told him that we were founded at New York Institute of Technology, and that I train at Black Belt Academy. I also explained that words like 'academy' and 'institute' are often used in business and advertising to make a subject seem deeper than it actually is (e.g. 'American Bartender's Institute' and 'Wilfred Beauty Academy'). Not wanting to be brash, I did not point out to him that his own dojo was named at that time '(his name) Karate Institute'. He said he understood, and his concerns were allayed.