Many American martial artists live and die by titles. They insist on calling themselves ‘Master’, ‘Grandmaster’, etc. One martial artist who used to associate with me would always introduce himself as ‘Sabumnim so and so’ (name omitted to protect the innocent – or is it the guilty?). The Japanese take a very different view of titles. Others may call you a specific title, but you never refer to yourself by title. If ya gotta tell folks how important ya are, mebbe ya ain’t as important as ya think.
A while ago, when ordering a new obi for myself, I had correspondence with Hamid, a very knowledgeable gentleman from www.kuroobiya.com in Japan. Here are excerpts from him on the subject:
“I would like to discuss something with you and please don't take this as a sign of disrespect to mention but at kuroobiya we don't just want to make any old product for customers, just to make money, but we want to make sure that they can wear their products with confidence that they are as accurate as possible and do not embarrass the wearer or the reader. That is why I feel I must inform you of the following:
I know the place where you got the belt embroidered before probably didn't tell you, but to be honest, it is considered incredibly arrogant or not humble by Japanese to have Hanshi on your own belt. In Japan, as a sign of humility, one never refers to oneself by title. Titles are conferred upon you by others, so teachers (sensei), doctors (sensei), masters etc. never refer to themselves as such and would never write the title next to their own name. If someone else writes it on an invitation lets say, they will even go as far as to cross it out as a sign of humility and their humbleness.
However as I said masters do not have their titles on their belts UNLESS the belt was given as a gift. In this case it is OK to wear the belt, and this is indicated on the belt with an additional kanji before the name on the belt to "signify" it was a gift. I really recommend getting this on the belt if any Japanese people are ever likely to read your belt. (In fact I recommend this to all foreign hanshi I serve. So far everyone has agreed).
Please let me know if you would like this and I will adjust the embroidery for you and resend before you order. You are of course free to ignore my advice (though my very-Japanese wife will not be happy about it when ordering the belt for you!!! Just kidding!)
Hamid Abassalty”