Thoughts, stories, and ideas from Sensei Steve Gottwirt

Thoughts, stories, and ideas from                  Sensei Steve Gottwirt
Some of these thoughts, stories, and personal history appeared in our newsletter, "Dō Gakuin News". Few members have been with us since our first issue in 1993. As such, ideas on this page may have been printed before, but are worth telling again.

Sunday, January 7, 2018


In our dojo, we will often watch one person perform a kata or technique, and then we can all offer comments.  How dare a Yellow Belt criticize a Brown Belt!  ‘Comments’ are not necessarily ‘criticism’; they can also be positive observations. 
We do this for four good reasons:

1- We develop the students’ observational skills, making sure we’re all looking for the same details.
2- We develop the students’ verbal skills as they describe what they see, reinforcing it in their minds.
3- As juniors learn what makes good form, they will start to look for it in their own techniques.
4- Students can see direct cause and effect when someone’s form is a little off (e.g. leaning forward or back, stance too wide or long, moving head late while turning, etc.).

We can all learn from each other, what to do and what not to do.  Here is something to think about:

JUNIORS give you a chance to improve solid basics.
EQUALS give you competition.
SENIORS give you something to strive for.