Juniors under age 16 may go no higher than Sho
Dan-ho, and will receive a special cotton Shonen belt with a white
stripe running the length of the black belt. Yonen (余年) age 12 and under
are ineligible for black belt rank until age 13.
Written elsewhere on the page:
White stripes and black stripes may
be placed on belts. A white stripe lowers the rank (showing closer to the White
Belt end of the spectrum), and a black stripe raises the rank (showing closer
to the Black Belt end of the spectrum). These stripes cannot be used past 6th
Kyu Green Belt, as 5th Kyu and above have stripes assigned to them. From this
rank on a student either passes or fails.
Black stripes ("-dai") on a white belt and white stripes ("-ho") on a color belt are used when a student has shown improvement, but does not meet the standards to reach the next full kyu. This serves as a visual reminder to the student and Sensei that they need a little more polish to come up to expectation for full rank.
A black stripe on a color belt ("-dai") may be awarded to a student with exemplary test results, making the student senior in that kyu. Students who do not test very well may also be given a "-dai" rank on the belt they presently hold.
Sho Dan-ho has graduated the kyu ranks and is an apprentice Black Belt, indicated by a white stripe on the end of the belt. This stripe is removed after the apprentice passes a test on Black Belt material for full Sho Dan.
Black stripes ("-dai") on a white belt and white stripes ("-ho") on a color belt are used when a student has shown improvement, but does not meet the standards to reach the next full kyu. This serves as a visual reminder to the student and Sensei that they need a little more polish to come up to expectation for full rank.
A black stripe on a color belt ("-dai") may be awarded to a student with exemplary test results, making the student senior in that kyu. Students who do not test very well may also be given a "-dai" rank on the belt they presently hold.
Sho Dan-ho has graduated the kyu ranks and is an apprentice Black Belt, indicated by a white stripe on the end of the belt. This stripe is removed after the apprentice passes a test on Black Belt material for full Sho Dan.